TRUST…a five letter word that holds a complete essence of almost all sorts of relationships known to humans.
We humans somehow always skip understanding that trust is something so important that if skipped leads to very feeble connections.
I have always been a very introvert and private person when it comes to sharing things about my life, especially experiences and secrets had with life.
This has been in me because of something I read a few years back in a book that said: “SECRET IS SECRET ONLY TILL THE MOMENT IT IS WITH YOU.” Now at this point in life, I can understand what it meant completely.
You can’t expect a secret to be secret, or neither can expect it not to be used against you by your once very trusted ones against you if shared by you with your own conscience and choice. At any point in life, sooner or later it will get revealed in an unexpected way and when that happens, it turns into a moment where you can only feel cursing and regretting your decision of trust.
Something similar happened and well whatever happened was just because of the reason, me forgetting rules of my life made by myself. And as nature holds the very truth, breaking rules is indiscipline and leads to horrendous events. A very simple rule that I just mentioned: “YOUR SECRETS ARE SECRETS TILL THOSE REMAINS WITHIN YOU.”
I’ve learned from all my experiences that a person should really know to “STITCH HIS HEART.”
Paraphrasing it from Deepak Gupta’s Book :
By paraphrasing these beautiful, wise, and appropriate lines, I just want to convey that we people are made of emotions and I am not saying trusting someone is always wrong. But trusting early and without putting appropriate thoughts to the same, trusting everybody you meet in life in a rush is the worst one can do to himself.
Not everybody deserves to know what your heart holds within. The mind should be assigned to handle such things.
Biologically Mind is where everything gets processed and the heart is just a part assigned to pump blood throughout the body and is nothing more than a machine.
But it feels real and beautiful when the word “HEART” is used for stuff related to feelings.
When we trust somebody to be of Grace who won’t be hurting us with our secrets and getting something rough in return of that beautiful trust and belief, it just shatters that peace of mind and turns your world upside down.
Now the ultimate truth is we can’t control others and even if we could, we should not try to, because freedom is what every living being has right to.
What we can do is, choose our friends, partner, acquaintances, and trust them wisely using mind and heart both appropriately.
Relationships have smooth edges similar to fine jewelry when made with patience and skilled way.
Rushing in relations always leads to rough edges that can scar, really scar you deep for life which would never heal.
This is what I believe, your experiences may vary as exceptions are always in this world and no individual is the same as any other. But what universally is applicable to major has been mentioned as felt. As it happened to me.
And communicated…metoyou…
Stay Blessed…Love you all…Never Hate…You may not like somebody but Never Hate…because Hate finishes you first and then your enemies…

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Software & Web Developer by Profession, Former HR at Toyota and other Corporates
Reader, Writer, Fitness Freak, and a Bodybuilder. Strict Vegetarian.
Skater and Cook by Passion. Believer, Humanitarian, Animal Lover, Nature Enthusiast.
How you quoted few sentences from the book and also how you managed to strike a balance between cautioning the individuals and asking them to trust as there are exceptions is damn good…
Thank you for your words, Nikita..:)
It seems like someone is telling about our life the things that is happening in our life .. you are inspiring us by ur articles. ..
That is so kind of you Shivani. Thank you. Keep Reading. 🙂